Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First week

I had my first chance to do some touristy things today, which also gave me a chance to take some more pictures.  We went on a tour of Jewish Prague, which was very, very interesting and sad.  I also went to see the opera Carmen tonight, which was well done but didn't much appeal to me, unfortunately.
My Czech classes are continuing and I can count to 999, as well as ask for the check and apologize for running into people.  Coming up are tours of Old Town and Prague Castle, and then class starts on Monday!  Here are some pictures from today:

Tyn Cathedral in Old Town Square

The Astronomical Clock in Old Town Square

A very bizarre statue of Franz Kafka...

The cemetery for members of the Jewish ghetto in Prague during the Nazi occupation

And lastly, a picture of the main NYU building right next to Old Town Square

And all of the pictures are up here, if you want to see more:

Sunday, August 31, 2008

First 2 days!

Hey everyone, I'm not much of a writer when it comes to these journal-type things but I thought I would share some pictures and info. from my semester abroad.  Enjoy!

Day 1 (August 30th): Today was really just a move-in and relax day, we had a group walk around our neighborhood and a pizza dinner.

Here are a few pictures from the roof deck of my dorm, Machova Residence Hall

(this is the back courtyard of the dorm, which is surrounded by the neighboring buildings.)

A few of my room (I haven't really unpacked yet because I wasn't sure if I was going to end up staying here or moving to another dorm; I will most likely end up staying but I'll know for sure by tomorrow)

After dinner we went walking in a park near our dorm that is the namesake for the area of Prague we live in, Vinorahdy (it means vineyard).  While we were walking I saw a hedgehog in the wild for the first time in my life!

Day 2 (August 31st): I don't have any pictures from today because I wanted to enjoy wandering around Old Town for the first time.  We went into the center of the city and learned all the dos and don'ts of Czech culture, and then we were free to wander the rest of the day and explore the area around the famous Astronomical Clock and Old Town Square.

P.S.  I know the room pictures look a little blurry, but I discovered that the camera was just on a weird setting so it's now fixed.  Also, I haven't put all of the pictures I've taken up on here, but I have uploaded them all, and you can see them here: